My Writings, Poetry, etc...


  I sit Quietly.

  Watching myself as I watch my life spin out of control around me.

  Helpless. Tired.

  Why. Why does this have to happen.

  It's not fair. I don't understand. She's too young.

  Give it to me Lord. Give it all to me.

  Let her be a kid.

  Anger. Frustration.

  I want to scream. No sound leaves my body.

  No one hears. No one knows.

  No one understands.

  Tears. Loneliness.

  Why God. I don't understand.

  Make her better. I know you can.

  Why don't you?

  Are you there?

  Don't you care? Aren't you listening?

  I'm dying inside.

  Helpless. So Helpless.

  I see her tears fall. I feel her pain.

  It's overwhelming.

  I shiver.

  So cold. So alone.

  The pain sucks the life from my very soul.

  I can't think.

  I can only hurt.

  How does she endure this? Why does she have to?

  Where are you God?

  She needs you. I need you.

  I'm listening. I can't hear you.

  Isolation. Darkness.

  Please find us. Please help us.

  Silence. Darkness.

